I love France but I have never been there... my life is New Zealand is about 24 hours flight away...

Join me if you love to travel in your mind and appreciate all things French whilst being based firmly in 'your ordinary life'.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Paris, I love you but your bringing me down

Its a strange sounding title for this autobiographical book but the author has an even stranger sounding first name.... Rosecrans Baldwin... semi enjoying the ups and downs and ins and outs of this young couple as they attempt to live the dream in Paris.

French dreaming on a winters day

Its a cold, wet, windy day in Auckland and I am doing one of my favourite things....dreaming of France and and mulling over books and articles about it. It feels like I am surrounded by France some days. Today at lunch, a guest I don't know that well casually mentioned that she works for a French company (ahhh, bliss), then this afternoon on tellie (a perfect day for blobbing in front of the screen...) is "Monte Carlo or Bust" - a roadshow trip about a group of brits travelling around France.

Last night, out for a soup dinner at a friends house, she had got the DVD "Hugo' out for us to watch, you know the one, about the boy who lives in the clock tower in Paris... what other reminders am I going to see today???